
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Ask The Blood Detective - Stress Proof Your Body
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Stress proof your body contains many important methods to both identify and manage different types of stress in your life. Dr. Wald explores the "stress-response" and how at one level it is essential for survival, but when extreme and maintained, can lead to deadly health consequences. Dr. Wald says, "chronic stress, both physical and mental, will affect hormones, cause inflammation and tissue destruction. Our need for certain nutrition from foods and nutritional supplements increase and stress continues. The way to "beat stress", meaning having it work for you as opposed to against you, is to identify your stress triggers, "re-frame" life events and learn effective coping strategies both mental and nutritional". Hormones like cortisol, adrenalin, insulin, glucagon, thyroid hormones and others are all activated, more or less, during our stress response. Also, we are not always consciously aware that stress is "controlling us" so we see life as "stressful" rather than recognizing our "internal filter" as it determines our perceptions and often our emotional reactions. Dr. MIchael Wald, The BloodDetective, can be reached to schedule as a patient by calling 914-552-1442. His email is: info@BloodDetective.com and his website is: IntMedNY.com.

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Ask The Blood Detective - Free Nutrition Masters Course!
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Free Nutrition Masters Course!
on PRN's radio show, Ask The BloodDetective!
Michael Wald
Basics of Healthy Diet - Episode One
Anyone interested in improving their nutrition and health knowledge in many areas of health. Each course is independant so join in any time, or attend all presentations for the greatest experience.
On PRN show, Ask The BloodDetective on Saturday’s at 1pm for the next 12 weeks – it’s FREE!
NO Pre-Registration is Needed –
Just listen to, Ask The BloodDetective every weekend on Saturday, 1pm. The order of the topics below is subject to change.
Website: www.IntMedNY.com
Email: info@BloodDetective.com
Phone: 914-552-1442
WHEN: March 6th
Module 2: Masters Course In Nutrition – What’s wrong with the Blood Type approach to weight loss and health vs. Comprehensive Nutrition Blood Tests…and more! Dr. Wald presents common and important tests in a fascinating discussion of how to use foods maximizing their health potential!

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Ask The Blood Detective - Fix Your Toxic Thinking and Get Healthy Fast!
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
A must listen show event! The Blooddetective, Dr. Michael Wald, explores in practical detail, how your thoughts, feelings and patterns of thinking determine your health reality. "People often fail to realize that their lack of health is directly related to their belief systems." Learn how to uncover and dismantle limiting perceptions and beliefs, what Dr. Wald calls, mental mis-evaluations, and experience a level of health and happiness that was previously unavailable to you. Dr. Wald can be reached at 914-552-1442. His email is: info@BloodDetective.com and his website is: DrMichaelWald.com.

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Ask The Blood Detective - Mysteries of Weight Loss Solved
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Are you ready to lose the weight in a way that works? It takes real effort, but finally Dr. Wald lays it all out so that you can enjoy life and stop obsessing about your weight! How to lose weight and keep it off covers all or most of the major concepts and areas that you need to know to burn fat and gain lean body tissue. Dr. Wald explores the role of inflammation in gaining weight, food absorption, timing and amounts of foods. Also, the role of food combining, blood sugar balance and hormones including pregnenolone, cortisol and DHEA are discussed. How does your nervous system impact your weight issues? What about ways to reduce your cravings? Dr. Wald covers it all and more! Dr. Wald is now accepting patients and can be reached at 914-552-1442. His email is infl@BloodDetective.com and his website: www.DrMichaelWald.com.

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
You are an individual that deserves to know how to bring your health to the next level. The process is easy - IF, you know what to do. Join Dr. Michael Wald, The BloodDetective as he reveals the emotional tricks to get you on track or to a higher level of health potential. These and other factors will be discussed by Dr. Wald - how do you know if your vitamins are of high quality? How do you start your day in a way that sets you up on the road to greater health? How do you know how your sleep and stress response affect you and how can you test and improve abnormal findings? This and more as usual by the BloodDetective! Dr. Wald is accepting patients at his Westchester office (1 hr North of NYC) in Chappaqua NY. He can be reached by calling 914-552-1442. His email is: info@BloodDetective.

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Ask The Blood Detective - Biggest Vitamin Supplement Mistakes
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Biggest Vitamin Supplement Mistakes

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Ask The Blood Detective - Title: second wave health building strategies
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Are we in a second wave? Does it matter? Are there special dietary and nutritional supplements that might offer some real protection and health building? Join Dr. Michael Wald, the Blood Detective, as he cuts through the morass and right to the practical “how to” natural strategies to reduce inflammation, improve circulation and immunity of the lungs and more. Dr. Walker be reached by calling 91455214424 new patient appointment either through zoom, phone or in person. Dr. Walds website is drMichaelwald.com. His email is info@drmichaelwald.com.

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
How do you know you’re taking the right nutritional supplements? Is it because you feel better? If that’s your criteria, think again. Feeling good does not guarantee that your nutritional supplement efforts are working. According to Dr. WALD,” I have seen patients with cancer throughout their bodies, localized prostate cancer, serious I wanna problems and other health issues but the person felt great.“ join Dr. world, the Blood Detective, as he discusses ways in which you can identify whether or not you’re wasting your time and money by taking nutritional supplements. Both positive and negative angles will be explored. To schedule a distance or in person consultation with Dr. WALD call me at 914-552-1442. Email him at info@blooddetective.com. This is his website at drmichaelwald.com.

Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Ask The Blood Detective - The 3 A's that You Must Know! Aging, Arthritis and Anemia.
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020