Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Ask The Blood Detective - The Novel Coronavirus
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
The Novel Coronavirus is here to stay. It is now endemic in the world population just like the measles, chicken pox, the flu and the common cold. It is also likely, just like the cold and flu viruses that most of us will eventually be exposed to the coronavirus. Many of us have other illnesses, some known and some unknown to us, that will make us more vulnerable to a worse disease if exposed to the coronavirus. Parasites for example, that are abundantly present in the United States in our food supply, water and other sources seriously affect our health. Inflammation, intestinal health, adrenal strength - virtually any body system can be affected with parasites or viruses. But the symptoms of parasites and even the coronavirus may go unnoticed or may not exist at all - for some of us this can mean serious health problems. Join Dr. Michael Wald, The Blood Detective, as he unravels the ways in which the coronavirus affects the body and how parasite infections can make matters worse. Dr. Wald provides details of the nutritional supplement and food choices that may help improve what’s known as immune resiliency. Learn more by listening here. Dr. Wald can be contacted for a Zoom Consultation at 914-5521442. Email him at: info@blooddetective.com and view his website and free content at: DrMichaelWald.com