Saturday Apr 29, 2017
Ask The Blood Detective - Probiotic - everything I need to know and more - 04.29.17
Saturday Apr 29, 2017
Saturday Apr 29, 2017
Join Dr. Michael Wald, the blood detective, as he talks about the following essential concepts regarding the use and miss use of probiotic supplements. What are probiotics?, Where do probiotics come from? Typical probiotic strains, which probiotic strains are best for what health problems? Should probiotics be rotated? Should probiotics be taken with stomach acid or pancreatic enzymes? Visa and more topics not commonly heard will be discussed by Dr. WALD based on what you wanted to know about probiotics. Dr. Michael Wald is director of Longevity services at Integrated nutrition amount KISCO located in Westchester New York, one hour north of New York City. You may call Dr. WALD at 914-242-8844. His email is: info@blooddetective.com. His website is: IntegratednutritionNY.com. Dr. WALD is a doctor in holistic nutrition, a doctor of chiropractic, earned his M.D. degree and is a dietitian, board certified nutritionist and clinical nutritional specialist.