Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Ask The Blood Detective - Parasites
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Parasites, the cause of all disease. Join Dr Michael Wald for his shocking warnings and conclusions regarding the cause of all disease and the parasite connection. “There is no place on the earth where you can avoid parasites”, according to Dr. Wald. But there are way to improve your innate resiliency against all manner of disgusting parasites and other infections around you. Dr. Wald practices in Katonah NY which is located one hour north of New York City. He also provides distance consultations for people and other localities, states and countries. Dr. Wald be reached by calling 914-552-1442. His email is: info@blooddetective.com and his websites are: info@blooddetective.com and info@intmedny.com