Saturday Mar 24, 2018
Ask The Blood Detective - LEAKY GUT DISASTER - 03.24.18
Saturday Mar 24, 2018
Saturday Mar 24, 2018
The term leaky gut refers to a degenerative condition of the small intestine that sometimes also affects the large intestine (colon). The brain, the intestinal tract, hormones, immunity, energy...you name the symptom it can arise from leaky gut. Nutritional efforts are wasted if leaky gut and it's various causes are not addressed. Probiotics? Don't waste your time. Lean how to recognize and naturally manage the underlying causes of leaky gut. Focus your health efforts and stop wasting time and money on useless approaches that only delay your recovery and make you more sick. Join Dr. Michael Wald, DC, Board Certified Nutritionist/Dietician as he gets down to the basics of leaky gut causes, the myriad of health problems that it creates and how to get well. Dr. Wald can be reached for a phone or in-person consultation by calling 914-552-1442; email him at: info@blooddetective.com and visit his website at: www.IntegratedNutritionNY.com.