Saturday Sep 02, 2017
Ask The Blood Detective - Inflammation Busters - 09.01.17
Saturday Sep 02, 2017
Saturday Sep 02, 2017
Inflammation Busters
Inflammation is now known to be at the root of most causes of disease. Heart disease, immune disease, diabetes even overweight...are all related to inflammation. Inflammation can be thought of as a degeneration process and re-generation is the key to stoping inflammation. Certain foods and nutritional supplements can promote re-generation suppressing the inflammatory process. Join Dr. Wald, The Blood Detective, as he review the common causes of inflammation and explores what you can do to identify and beat inflammation at its cause! Dr. Wald, DC, Board Certified Nutritionist is director of Longevity at Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco. Dr. Wald can be reached by calling: 914-552-1442. Email Dr. Wald at: info@Blooddetective.com. His website is: www.IntegratedNutritionNY.com
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