Saturday Nov 11, 2017
Saturday Nov 11, 2017
Calcium is a killer! All forms of inflammation have the potential of causing calcium to harden your arteries, promote breast cancer, arthritis and muscle spasms/pain/stiffness, cause kidney stones, and even autoimmune disease. Joint Dr. Michael Wald, The Blood Detective, as he discusses how calcium imbalance causes disease and how to tackle this pervasive problem. Learn how pH, inflammation, digestive issues and injury can cause your body to "mis-use" calcium. It's not the calcium in your diet and supplements that is the problem!!! It's how your body is not using calcium. Dr. Wald is supervisor of nutrition at Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco (1 hr North of NYC). He can be reached for a phone or in-person consultation by calling: 914-552-1442. Post your comments and questions on his Facebook page found at his website at: www.IntegratedNutritionNY.com.