Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Ask The Blood Detective - Endocrine disruptors - 09.22.18
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with endocrine (or hormone) systems at certain doses. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Any system in the body controlled by hormones can be derailed by hormone disruptors - anything can happen. Specifically, endocrine disruptors may be associated with the development of learning disabilities, severe attention deficit disorder, cognitive and brain development problems; deformations of the body (including limbs); breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid and other cancers; sexual development problems such as feminizing of males or masculinizing effects on females. Endocrine disruptor Effects upon the body May even be responsible for seemingly innocuous and relatively harmful symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, visual problems, changes in bone, hair, skin and you diseases. Even detoxication can be adversely affected by endocrine disruptors Join Dr. Michael Wald As he explores the fascinating and deadly affects of hormone disruptors and nutritional solutions. Dr Wald practices in Katonah, Somers and Mount Kisco New York located in Westchester county one hour north of New York City. Dr Wald sees patients from all over the world and provides distance consultations by phone to arrange a consultation with Dr. walls call him at 914-552-1442. Email him at info@blooddetective.com. Review his website at:IntMedNY.com GRAND OPENING and YOU are invited! October 26th from 3:30pm to 7:30 pm. Healthy foods, gifts, tour, short health talks and more fun! Dr. Wald would love to meet you. RSVP by emailing: info@BloodDetective.com. Website is: IntMedNY.com